Del Mar Energy Inc.

[ Since 2002 ]

Why choose Del Mar Energy Inc.?

Tax-advantaged investments
Invest in industry through a tax-advantaged retirement account. Funding is conducted directly without any complex paperwork.
Annual audit
Our company undergoes an annual independent financial audit by Deloitte. Additionally, all our assets are independently evaluated annually by Baker Tilly.
Public communication
Del Mar Energy Inc. is a trusted partnership with a holding. We operate with complete transparency and public visibility. All financial documents and reports are available on our online platform, allowing each client an inside look at their favorite company.
Under the wing of the SEC
Our holding is regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, giving our investors confidence in the security of their funds.
Tax agent
When accumulating retirement savings, there are many tax optimization opportunities that can significantly increase retirement funds.


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Our patrons

The Private Financing Institute is one of the most popular and convenient ways to invest capital and earn passive income. The main advantage of this financing method is minimal time investment, simplicity, and convenience.

  • SEC Patronage

    Del Mar Energy Inc. is an international industrial holding company officially registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). To fund its projects and expansion, Del Mar Energy Inc. accepts financial resources under Form D (OMB Number: 3235-0076), allowing for capital raising through private placements in accordance with SEC regulations.

  • Investment with guarantee

    Audits of financial transactions and full financial support the holding's activities are carried out by a licensed accounting audit company Deloitte on the basis of depositing the authorized capital into an independent depository (box number 3819-381094)

  • Annual checks

    Industrial operations services and the organization of facilities are managed and overseen by the EY US audit complex under contract number 478-1391. This partnership ensures compliance with industry standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices in operational efficiency and financial oversight.

The private financing system was fully implemented at Del Mar Energy Inc. in 2017. Thanks to this system, our holding has achieved international recognition.

The system’s unique feature is daily dividend payouts to investors from profits generated by long-term, stable-income assets within the holding. Company asset funding is handled directly by clients without intermediaries, brokers, or third-party companies.



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